Started as a part-time job, turned into a lifestyle..#serverlife.
Only if you have ever served, do you know what it's like to serve and it's no picnic. Between absurd restaurant policies, customer demands and so on, sometimes you may need one big hug after a closing shift, and that won't be the end because you are scheduled to open tomorrow morning! Whether you are a server at Jack Astor's, Boston Pizza, your local pub or world-class steakhouse, #serverlife is constant throughout the industry.
10 things all servers know to be true:
1)You feel like you ran a marathon after every shift.
Invest in a comfortable pair of shoes, it will make or break you.
2)Your guests asks what is in menu items, when staring right at the menu.
Seriously? I'm here to take your order not showcase the menu.
3)Your guest comments on the price of the dish.
I do not make the prices, I just work here.

4) Your table walks out with the wrong credit receipt and takes your copy by accident.
You have no idea what you have done, now I will never be able to go home.
5) In one night you will definitely have a table that you greet, and after giving them a whole introduction no one answers.
I have never felt more awkward in my life, now I will avoid you all like the plague.
6) When I go and do my 'two-bite check', everyone says everything is great and next thing I know they are talking to the manager.
You have gotta be kidding me! I just asked you if everything was okay, you sly cat.

7) When you hear the managers discussing making first-cuts and you run around the restaurant like a crazy person in hopes it may be you.
Seriously though, if you are ever cut you run far far away as fast as you can.
8) When a party of 6+ comes in and will most likely ask to have the bill split 10 ways.
Wait a minute here...there's only 6 of you, and now you're in a rush all of a sudden?

9)You're at a table and the gentleman from the table over is trying to get your attention.
Are you trying to land an airplane over there? I see you, just a little tied up at the moment. Patience is a virtue my friend.
10) And just when you think you're done for the night you get sat another table.
Seriously people? Go home so I can go home.
Working as a server, every shift is a new adventure, from table to table expect the unexpected.
Fellow servers or future servers, what do you think? Have anything to add to the list?
Comments & questions encouraged!
Nice post. as a former hostess this brings me back! I hated when like two people would request to sit in the party booths (like 6+ people). You don't need all that room!
ReplyDeleteAs a person in the back of the house, I share my sympathies. The biggest issue is when servers take the hit for complaints, & it gets intense