Here are five ways to commute properly:
1. Don't you dare let out that cough or sneeze.
We get it. Allergy season is among us but there is only so much clean air a bus can provide when all the windows and doors are closed and the bus is packed. Yes, its human nature to let out a sneeze or cough but absolutely not on a crowded bus. That is completely off limits. I shouldn't even have to explain this one. I wouldn't call myself a crazy germaphobe but once I'm on a bus and I see someone sneeze, it's like I can see the germs traveling in the air to stick on me, and that's a nightmare in itself. I believe everyone becomes a germaphobe when commuting so do everyone a favour and don't let that nastiness out.
2. Absolutely no physical contact.
Don't touch me anymore than the small contact of your side against mine. You're already in my personal bubble, so please don't make me anymore uncomfortable. I did not ask or will ever wish for more bodily human contact so please don't provide me any.
3. Take your bloody backpack off the seat next to you.
Unless you're on the bus alone or with a couple other strangers, take it off the seat, especially when the bus is crowded. Not only is it safer for people to be seating, but it's also common human courtesy!!! I do not care if your backpack is too heavy to place on your lap, that's YOUR problem. My problem is you because you look like a jerk since you look like you don't want to share. Take your bag off the bloody seat and don't argue with anyone. Next time pack lighter.
There are signs all over the bus saying "PLEASE MOVE BACK." Having no seats available and a packed bus is the worst yet it astonishes me when people make this situation even more terrible by blocking the pathway to the back by staying in the front and causing more congestion. If you squeezed your little butt in the back, it would allow for more people to hop on board and cause less yelling from the bus driver, reiterating the same message posted all over the sides of the bus.
5. I don't mean for this to come off rude but, shut up.
We all know this person. We all hate this person. Don't be this person.
If you've got a long trip ahead of you, one tends to daydream in the meantime so having that one person on their phone the entire trip, laughing out loud, talking too loud or having their music play too loud is absolutely aggravating. It's an absolute problem when I can hear someone else's music over my own (seriously, you're going to hurt your eardrums) so turn it down. Text your friend instead of uncovering your whole life story to the strangers around you while on your phone, and hey, you can commute with your friends, but I don't need or want to be able to hear your whole conversation about the party you went to last week.
So I'll say this again, one last time. Do not be this person.
So here you have it, my list of the top 5 ways one could commute better. The commute life is not glamourous at all and everyone will have their little ticks, just don't be the cause of them because pet peeves are hard to shake. There are hundreds of pet peeves commuters have, tell us yours by commenting below. What pet peeves do you have when commuting?
I think the TTC should repost this blog so that people can learn to be less obnoxious on transit.